Great post - wish I had access to this when I first caught covid 😛

Aside: Early on the pandemic, I became obsessed with the idea that Vitamin D could be _the_ solution to Covid... I wrote up https://akrolsmir.notion.site/Vitamin-D-Covid-51964c2ad2b54be185888485b2f37fd9, told basically everyone is knew, and tried to reach out to prominent media figures and get them to run the story. Honestly it felt a bit like being the main character of Don't Look Up: depressing how little ability I had to get a message taken seriously.

Today, I'm much less confident about the efficacy of VitD wrt covid (but still think it's on balance worthwhile!) I'm still haunted by the question of, "if I discovered some information that could save hundreds of lives.. what could I do about it?"

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Yeah, I've kind of felt similarly about e.g. https://firstsigma.github.io/air-filtration both for Covid and for particulate pollution in general. It was one of my motivations for actually publishing my stuff more broadly. (The importance of air at least seems relatively well-known, but I still feel like it's massively underrated in terms of how much we're actually upgrading our indoor air quality.) It does seem nearly impossible to get people to really listen and take action on a large scale :(

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Thanks for that link, that helps with some of my dosage questions! I will update with some of your info!

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